Config.php Parameters¶
Nextcloud uses the config/config.php
file to control server operations.
lists all the configurable parameters within
Nextcloud, along with example or default values. This document provides a more
detailed reference. Most options are configurable on your Admin page, so it
is usually not necessary to edit config/config.php
The installer creates a configuration containing the essential parameters.
Only manually add configuration parameters to config/config.php
if you need to
use a special value for a parameter. Do not copy everything from
. Only enter the parameters you wish to modify!
Nextcloud supports loading configuration parameters from multiple files.
You can add arbitrary files ending with .config.php
in the config/
directory, for example you could place your email server configuration
in email.config.php
. This allows you to easily create and manage
custom configurations, or to divide a large complex configuration file
into a set of smaller files. These custom files are not overwritten by
Nextcloud, and the values in these files take precedence over config.php
Default Parameters¶
These parameters are configured by the Nextcloud installer, and are required for your Nextcloud server to operate.
'instanceid' => '',
This is a unique identifier for your Nextcloud installation, created
automatically by the installer. This example is for documentation only,
and you should never use it because it will not work. A valid instanceid
is created when you install Nextcloud.
‘instanceid’ => ‘d3c944a9a’,
'passwordsalt' => '',
The salt used to hash all passwords, auto-generated by the Nextcloud installer. (There are also per-user salts.) If you lose this salt you lose all your passwords. This example is for documentation only, and you should never use it.
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
Your list of trusted domains that users can log into. Specifying trusted domains prevents host header poisoning. Do not remove this, as it performs necessary security checks.
You can specify:
- the exact hostname of your host or virtual host, e.g.
- the exact hostname with permitted port, e.g. This disallows all other ports on this host
- use * as a wildcard, e.g. ubos-raspberry-pi*.local will allow ubos-raspberry-pi.local and ubos-raspberry-pi-2.local
'datadirectory' => '/var/www/nextcloud/data',
Where user files are stored. The SQLite database is also stored here, when you use SQLite.
Default to data/
in the Nextcloud directory.
'version' => '',
The current version number of your Nextcloud installation. This is set up during installation and update, so you shouldn’t need to change it.
'dbtype' => 'sqlite',
Identifies the database used with this installation. See also config option
- Available:
- sqlite (SQLite3)
- mysql (MySQL/MariaDB)
- pgsql (PostgreSQL)
Defaults to sqlite
'dbhost' => '',
Your host server name, for example localhost
, hostname
, or the IP address. To specify a port use
; to specify a Unix socket use
'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
The name of the Nextcloud database, which is set during installation. You should not need to change this.
'dbuser' => '',
The user that Nextcloud uses to write to the database. This must be unique across Nextcloud instances using the same SQL database. This is set up during installation, so you shouldn’t need to change it.
'dbpassword' => '',
The password for the database user. This is set up during installation, so you shouldn’t need to change it.
'dbtableprefix' => '',
Prefix for the Nextcloud tables in the database.
Default to oc_
'installed' => false,
Indicates whether the Nextcloud instance was installed successfully; true
indicates a successful installation, and false
indicates an unsuccessful
Defaults to false
Default config.php Examples¶
When you use SQLite as your Nextcloud database, your config.php
looks like
this after installation. The SQLite database is stored in your Nextcloud
directory. SQLite is a simple, lightweight embedded database that
is good for testing and for simple installations, but for production Nextcloud
systems you should use MySQL, MariaDB, or PosgreSQL.
$CONFIG = array (
'instanceid' => 'occ6f7365735',
'passwordsalt' => '2c5778476346786306303',
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'localhost',
1 => 'studio',
'datadirectory' => '/var/www/nextcloud/data',
'dbtype' => 'sqlite3',
'version' => '',
'installed' => true,
This example is from a new Nextcloud installation using MariaDB:
$CONFIG = array (
'instanceid' => 'oc8c0fd71e03',
'passwordsalt' => '515a13302a6b3950a9d0fdb970191a',
'trusted_domains' =>
array (
0 => 'localhost',
1 => 'studio',
2 => ''
'datadirectory' => '/var/www/nextcloud/data',
'dbtype' => 'mysql',
'version' => '',
'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
'dbhost' => 'localhost',
'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
'dbuser' => 'oc_carla',
'dbpassword' => '67336bcdf7630dd80b2b81a413d07',
'installed' => true,
User Experience¶
These optional parameters control some aspects of the user interface. Default values, where present, are shown.
'default_language' => 'en',
This sets the default language on your Nextcloud server, using ISO_639-1
language codes such as en
for English, de
for German, and fr
French. It overrides automatic language detection on public pages like login
or shared items. User’s language preferences configured under “personal ->
language” override this setting after they have logged in.
Defaults to en
'defaultapp' => 'files',
Set the default app to open on login. Use the app names as they appear in the URL after clicking them in the Apps menu, such as documents, calendar, and gallery. You can use a comma-separated list of app names, so if the first app is not enabled for a user then Nextcloud will try the second one, and so on. If no enabled apps are found it defaults to the Files app.
Defaults to files
'knowledgebaseenabled' => true,
enables the Help menu item in the user menu (top right of the
Nextcloud Web interface). false
removes the Help item.
'allow_user_to_change_display_name' => true,
allows users to change their display names (on their Personal
pages), and false
prevents them from changing their display names.
'remember_login_cookie_lifetime' => 60*60*24*15,
Lifetime of the remember login cookie, which is set when the user clicks
the remember
checkbox on the login screen.
Defaults to 60*60*24*15
seconds (15 days)
'session_lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24,
The lifetime of a session after inactivity.
Defaults to 60*60*24
seconds (24 hours)
'session_keepalive' => true,
Enable or disable session keep-alive when a user is logged in to the Web UI.
Enabling this sends a “heartbeat” to the server to keep it from timing out.
Defaults to true
'token_auth_enforced' => false,
Enforce token authentication for clients, which blocks requests using the user password for enhanced security. Users need to generate tokens in personal settings which can be used as passwords on their clients.
Defaults to false
'' => true,
Whether the bruteforce protection shipped with Nextcloud should be enabled or not.
Disabling this is discouraged for security reasons.
Defaults to true
'skeletondirectory' => '/path/to/nextcloud/core/skeleton',
The directory where the skeleton files are located. These files will be copied to the data directory of new users. Leave empty to not copy any skeleton files.
Defaults to core/skeleton
in the Nextcloud directory.
'user_backends' => array(
'class' => 'OC_User_IMAP',
'arguments' => array('{}INBOX')
The user_backends
app (which needs to be enabled first) allows you to
configure alternate authentication backends. Supported backends are:
IMAP (OC_User_IMAP), SMB (OC_User_SMB), and FTP (OC_User_FTP).
'lost_password_link' => '',
If your user backend does not allow password resets (e.g. when it’s a read-only user backend like LDAP), you can specify a custom link, where the user is redirected to, when clicking the “reset password” link after a failed login-attempt.
In case you do not want to provide any link, replace the url with ‘disabled’
Mail Parameters¶
These configure the email settings for Nextcloud notifications and password resets.
'mail_domain' => '',
The return address that you want to appear on emails sent by the Nextcloud
server, for example
, substituting your own domain,
of course.
'mail_from_address' => 'nextcloud',
FROM address that overrides the built-in sharing-noreply
FROM addresses.
Defaults to different from addresses depending on the feature.
'mail_smtpdebug' => false,
Enable SMTP class debugging.
Defaults to false
'mail_smtpmode' => 'php',
Which mode to use for sending mail: sendmail
, smtp
, qmail
If you are using local or remote SMTP, set this to smtp
If you are using PHP mail you must have an installed and working email system
on the server. The program used to send email is defined in the php.ini
For the sendmail
option you need an installed and working email system on
the server, with /usr/sbin/sendmail
installed on your Unix system.
For qmail
the binary is /var/qmail/bin/sendmail, and it must be installed
on your Unix system.
Defaults to php
'mail_smtphost' => '',
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. Specify the IP address of your mail
server host. This may contain multiple hosts separated by a semi-colon. If
you need to specify the port number append it to the IP address separated by
a colon, like this:
Defaults to
'mail_smtpport' => 25,
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. Specify the port for sending mail.
Defaults to 25
'mail_smtptimeout' => 10,
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. This sets the SMTP server timeout, in
seconds. You may need to increase this if you are running an anti-malware or
spam scanner.
Defaults to 10
'mail_smtpsecure' => '',
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. Specify when you are using ssl
, or leave empty for no encryption.
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'mail_smtpauth' => false,
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. Change this to true
if your mail
server requires authentication.
Defaults to false
'mail_smtpauthtype' => 'LOGIN',
This depends on mail_smtpmode
. If SMTP authentication is required, choose
the authentication type as LOGIN
Defaults to LOGIN
'mail_smtpname' => '',
This depends on mail_smtpauth
. Specify the username for authenticating to
the SMTP server.
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'mail_smtppassword' => '',
This depends on mail_smtpauth
. Specify the password for authenticating to
the SMTP server.
Default to ''
(empty string)
Proxy Configurations¶
'overwritehost' => '',
The automatic hostname detection of Nextcloud can fail in certain reverse
proxy and CLI/cron situations. This option allows you to manually override
the automatic detection; for example
, or specify the port
'overwriteprotocol' => '',
When generating URLs, Nextcloud attempts to detect whether the server is
accessed via https
or http
. However, if Nextcloud is behind a proxy
and the proxy handles the https
calls, Nextcloud would not know that
is in use, which would result in incorrect URLs being generated.
Valid values are http
and https
'overwritewebroot' => '',
Nextcloud attempts to detect the webroot for generating URLs automatically.
For example, if
is the URL pointing to the
Nextcloud instance, the webroot is /nextcloud
. When proxies are in use,
it may be difficult for Nextcloud to detect this parameter, resulting in
invalid URLs.
'overwritecondaddr' => '',
This option allows you to define a manual override condition as a regular
expression for the remote IP address. For example, defining a range of IP
addresses starting with 10.0.0.
and ending with 1 to 3:
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
Use this configuration parameter to specify the base URL for any URLs which
are generated within Nextcloud using any kind of command line tools (cron or
occ). The value should contain the full base URL:
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/',
To have clean URLs without /index.php this parameter needs to be configured.
This parameter will be written as “RewriteBase” on update and installation of Nextcloud to your .htaccess file. While this value is often simply the URL path of the Nextcloud installation it cannot be set automatically properly in every scenario and needs thus some manual configuration.
In a standard Apache setup this usually equals the folder that Nextcloud is accessible at. So if Nextcloud is accessible via “” the correct value would most likely be “/nextcloud”. If Nextcloud is running under “” then it would be “/”.
Note that the above rule is not valid in every case, as there are some rare setup cases where this may not apply. However, to avoid any update problems this configuration value is explicitly opt-in.
After setting this value run occ maintenance:update:htaccess. Now, when the following conditions are met Nextcloud URLs won’t contain index.php:
- mod_rewrite is installed
- mod_env is installed
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'htaccess.IgnoreFrontController' => false,
For server setups, that don’t have mod_env enabled or restricted (e.g. suEXEC) this parameter has to be set to true and will assume mod_rewrite.
Please check, if mod_rewrite is active and functional before setting this parameter and you updated your .htaccess with occ maintenance:update:htaccess. Otherwise your nextcloud installation might not be reachable anymore. For example, try accessing resources by leaving out index.php in the URL.
'proxy' => '',
The URL of your proxy server, for example
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'proxyuserpwd' => '',
The optional authentication for the proxy to use to connect to the internet.
The format is: username:password
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
Deleted Items (trash bin)¶
These parameters control the Deleted files app.
'trashbin_retention_obligation' => 'auto',
If the trash bin app is enabled (default), this setting defines the policy for when files and folders in the trash bin will be permanently deleted.
The app allows for two settings, a minimum time for trash bin retention, and a maximum time for trash bin retention. Minimum time is the number of days a file will be kept, after which it may be deleted. Maximum time is the number of days at which it is guaranteed to be deleted. Both minimum and maximum times can be set together to explicitly define file and folder deletion. For migration purposes, this setting is installed initially set to “auto”, which is equivalent to the default setting in Nextcloud.
Available values:
default setting. keeps files and folders in the trash bin for 30 days and automatically deletes anytime after that if space is needed (note: files may not be deleted if space is not needed).
D, auto
keeps files and folders in the trash bin for D+ days, delete anytime if space needed (note: files may not be deleted if space is not needed)
auto, D
delete all files in the trash bin that are older than D days automatically, delete other files anytime if space needed
D1, D2
keep files and folders in the trash bin for at least D1 days and delete when exceeds D2 days
trash bin auto clean disabled, files and folders will be kept forever
Defaults to auto
File versions¶
These parameters control the Versions app.
'versions_retention_obligation' => 'auto',
If the versions app is enabled (default), this setting defines the policy for when versions will be permanently deleted.
The app allows for two settings, a minimum time for version retention, and a maximum time for version retention. Minimum time is the number of days a version will be kept, after which it may be deleted. Maximum time is the number of days at which it is guaranteed to be deleted. Both minimum and maximum times can be set together to explicitly define version deletion. For migration purposes, this setting is installed initially set to “auto”, which is equivalent to the default setting in Nextcloud.
Available values:
default setting. Automatically expire versions according to expire rules. Please refer to Controlling File Versions and Aging for more information.
D, auto
keep versions at least for D days, apply expire rules to all versions that are older than D days
auto, D
delete all versions that are older than D days automatically, delete other versions according to expire rules
D1, D2
keep versions for at least D1 days and delete when exceeds D2 days
versions auto clean disabled, versions will be kept forever
Defaults to auto
Nextcloud Verifications¶
Nextcloud performs several verification checks. There are two options,
and false
'appcodechecker' => true,
Checks an app before install whether it uses private APIs instead of the proper public APIs. If this is set to true it will only allow to install or enable apps that pass this check.
Defaults to false
'updatechecker' => true,
Check if Nextcloud is up-to-date and shows a notification if a new version is available.
Defaults to true
'updater.server.url' => '',
URL that Nextcloud should use to look for updates
Defaults to
'' => 'stable',
The channel that Nextcloud should use to look for updates
- Supported values:
'has_internet_connection' => true,
Is Nextcloud connected to the Internet or running in a closed network?
Defaults to true
'check_for_working_webdav' => true,
Allows Nextcloud to verify a working WebDAV connection. This is done by attempting to make a WebDAV request from PHP.
'check_for_working_wellknown_setup' => true,
Allows Nextcloud to verify a working .well-known URL redirects. This is done by attempting to make a request from JS to
Defaults to true
'check_for_working_htaccess' => true,
This is a crucial security check on Apache servers that should always be set
to true
. This verifies that the .htaccess
file is writable and works.
If it is not, then any options controlled by .htaccess
, such as large
file uploads, will not work. It also runs checks on the data/
which verifies that it can’t be accessed directly through the Web server.
Defaults to true
'config_is_read_only' => false,
In certain environments it is desired to have a read-only configuration file.
When this switch is set to true
Nextcloud will not verify whether the
configuration is writable. However, it will not be possible to configure
all options via the Web interface. Furthermore, when updating Nextcloud
it is required to make the configuration file writable again for the update
Defaults to false
'log_type' => 'file',
By default the Nextcloud logs are sent to the nextcloud.log
file in the
default Nextcloud data directory.
If syslogging is desired, set this parameter to syslog
Setting this parameter to errorlog
will use the PHP error_log function
for logging.
Defaults to file
'logfile' => '/var/log/nextcloud.log',
Log file path for the Nextcloud logging type.
Defaults to [datadirectory]/nextcloud.log
'loglevel' => 2,
Loglevel to start logging at. Valid values are: 0 = Debug, 1 = Info, 2 = Warning, 3 = Error, and 4 = Fatal. The default value is Warning.
Defaults to 2
'syslog_tag' => 'Nextcloud',
If you maintain different instances and aggregate the logs, you may want
to distinguish between them. syslog_tag
can be set per instance
with a unique id. Only available if log_type
is set to syslog
The default value is Nextcloud
'log.condition' => [
'shared_secret' => '57b58edb6637fe3059b3595cf9c41b9',
'users' => ['sample-user'],
'apps' => ['files'],
Log condition for log level increase based on conditions. Once one of these conditions is met, the required log level is set to debug. This allows to debug specific requests, users or apps
- Supported conditions:
: if a request parameter with the name log_secret is set tothis value the condition is met
: if the current request is done by one of the specified users,this condition is met
: if the log message is invoked by one of the specified apps,this condition is met
Defaults to an empty array.
'logdateformat' => 'F d, Y H:i:s',
This uses formatting; see
Defaults to ISO 8601 2005-08-15T15:52:01+00:00
- see DateTime::ATOM
'logtimezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
The timezone for logfiles. You may change this; see
Defaults to UTC
'log_query' => false,
Append all database queries and parameters to the log file. Use this only for debugging, as your logfile will become huge.
'cron_log' => true,
Log successful cron runs.
Defaults to true
'log_rotate_size' => false,
Enables log rotation and limits the total size of logfiles. The default is 0, or no rotation. Specify a size in bytes, for example 104857600 (100 megabytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024 bytes). A new logfile is created with a new name when the old logfile reaches your limit. If a rotated log file is already present, it will be overwritten.
Defaults to 0
(no rotation)
Alternate Code Locations¶
Some of the Nextcloud code may be stored in alternate locations.
'customclient_desktop' =>
'customclient_android' =>
'customclient_ios' =>
This section is for configuring the download links for Nextcloud clients, as seen in the first-run wizard and on Personal pages.
Defaults to
* Desktop client:
* Android client:
* iOS client :
Options for the Apps folder, Apps store, and App code checker.
'appstoreenabled' => true,
When enabled, admins may install apps from the Nextcloud app store.
Defaults to true
'apps_paths' => array(
'path'=> '/var/www/nextcloud/apps',
'url' => '/apps',
'writable' => true,
Use the apps_paths
parameter to set the location of the Apps directory,
which should be scanned for available apps, and where user-specific apps
should be installed from the Apps store. The path
defines the absolute
file system path to the app folder. The key url
defines the HTTP Web path
to that folder, starting from the Nextcloud webroot. The key writable
indicates if a Web server can write files to that folder.
'appcodechecker' => true,
Checks an app before install whether it uses private APIs instead of the proper public APIs. If this is set to true it will only allow to install or enable apps that pass this check.
Defaults to false
Nextcloud supports previews of image files, the covers of MP3 files, and text files. These options control enabling and disabling previews, and thumbnail size.
'enable_previews' => true,
By default, Nextcloud can generate previews for the following filetypes:
- Image files
- Covers of MP3 files
- Text documents
Valid values are true
, to enable previews, or
, to disable previews
Defaults to true
'preview_max_x' => 2048,
The maximum width, in pixels, of a preview. A value of null
means there
is no limit.
Defaults to 2048
'preview_max_y' => 2048,
The maximum height, in pixels, of a preview. A value of null
means there
is no limit.
Defaults to 2048
'preview_max_scale_factor' => 10,
If a lot of small pictures are stored on the Nextcloud instance and the
preview system generates blurry previews, you might want to consider setting
a maximum scale factor. By default, pictures are upscaled to 10 times the
original size. A value of 1
or null
disables scaling.
Defaults to 2
'preview_max_filesize_image' => 50,
max file size for generating image previews with imagegd (default behaviour) If the image is bigger, it’ll try other preview generators, but will most likely show the default mimetype icon. Set to -1 for no limit.
Defaults to 50
'preview_libreoffice_path' => '/usr/bin/libreoffice',
custom path for LibreOffice/OpenOffice binary
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'preview_office_cl_parameters' =>
' --headless --nologo --nofirststartwizard --invisible --norestore '.
'--convert-to pdf --outdir ',
Use this if LibreOffice/OpenOffice requires additional arguments.
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'enabledPreviewProviders' => array(
Only register providers that have been explicitly enabled
The following providers are disabled by default due to performance or privacy concerns:
- OC\Preview\Illustrator
- OC\Preview\Movie
- OC\Preview\MSOffice2003
- OC\Preview\MSOffice2007
- OC\Preview\MSOfficeDoc
- OC\Preview\OpenDocument
- OC\Preview\PDF
- OC\Preview\Photoshop
- OC\Preview\Postscript
- OC\Preview\StarOffice
- OC\Preview\SVG
- OC\Preview\TIFF
- OC\Preview\Font
Troubleshooting steps for the MS Word previews are available
at the ../configuration_files/collaborative_documents_configuration
section of the Administrators Manual.
The following providers are not available in Microsoft Windows:
- OC\Preview\Movie
- OC\Preview\MSOfficeDoc
- OC\Preview\MSOffice2003
- OC\Preview\MSOffice2007
- OC\Preview\OpenDocument
- OC\Preview\StarOffice
Defaults to the following providers:
- OC\Preview\BMP
- OC\Preview\GIF
- OC\Preview\JPEG
- OC\Preview\MarkDown
- OC\Preview\MP3
- OC\Preview\PNG
- OC\Preview\TXT
- OC\Preview\XBitmap
Global settings used by LDAP User and Group Backend
'ldapUserCleanupInterval' => 51,
defines the interval in minutes for the background job that checks user existence and marks them as ready to be cleaned up. The number is always minutes. Setting it to 0 disables the feature.
See command line (occ) methods ldap:show-remnants
and user:delete
Defaults to 51
Global settings for the Comments infrastructure
'comments.managerFactory' => '\OC\Comments\ManagerFactory',
Replaces the default Comments Manager Factory. This can be utilized if an own or 3rdParty CommentsManager should be used that – for instance – uses the filesystem instead of the database to keep the comments.
Defaults to \OC\Comments\ManagerFactory
'systemtags.managerFactory' => '\OC\SystemTag\ManagerFactory',
Replaces the default System Tags Manager Factory. This can be utilized if an own or 3rdParty SystemTagsManager should be used that – for instance – uses the filesystem instead of the database to keep the tags.
Defaults to \OC\SystemTag\ManagerFactory
These options are for halting user activity when you are performing server maintenance.
'maintenance' => false,
Enable maintenance mode to disable Nextcloud
If you want to prevent users from logging in to Nextcloud before you start doing some maintenance work, you need to set the value of the maintenance parameter to true. Please keep in mind that users who are already logged-in are kicked out of Nextcloud instantly.
Defaults to false
'openssl' => array(
'config' => '/absolute/location/of/openssl.cnf',
Extra SSL options to be used for configuration.
Defaults to an empty array.
Memory caching backend configuration¶
Available cache backends:
APC user backend\OC\Memcache\ArrayCache
In-memory array-based backend (not recommended)\OC\Memcache\Memcached
Memcached backend\OC\Memcache\Redis
Redis backend\OC\Memcache\XCache
XCache backend
Advice on choosing between the various backends:
- APCu should be easiest to install. Almost all distributions have packages. Use this for single user environment for all caches.
- Use Redis or Memcached for distributed environments. For the local cache (you can configure two) take APCu.
'memcache.local' => '\OC\Memcache\APCu',
Memory caching backend for locally stored data
- Used for host-specific data, e.g. file paths
Defaults to none
'memcache.distributed' => '\OC\Memcache\Memcached',
Memory caching backend for distributed data
- Used for installation-specific data, e.g. database caching
- If unset, defaults to the value of memcache.local
Defaults to none
'redis' => [
'host' => 'localhost', // can also be a unix domain socket: '/tmp/redis.sock'
'port' => 6379,
'timeout' => 0.0,
'password' => '', // Optional, if not defined no password will be used.
'dbindex' => 0, // Optional, if undefined SELECT will not run and will use Redis Server's default DB Index.
Connection details for redis to use for memory caching in a single server configuration.
For enhanced security it is recommended to configure Redis to require a password. See for more information.
'redis.cluster' => [
'seeds' => [ // provide some/all of the cluster servers to bootstrap discovery, port required
'timeout' => 0.0,
'read_timeout' => 0.0,
'failover_mode' => \RedisCluster::FAILOVER_ERROR
Connection details for a Redis Cluster
Only for use with Redis Clustering, for Sentinel-based setups use the single server configuration above, and perform HA on the hostname.
Redis Cluster support requires the php module phpredis in version 3.0.0 or higher for PHP 7+ or phpredis in version 2.2.8 for PHP 5.6.
- Available failover modes:
- \RedisCluster::FAILOVER_NONE - only send commands to master nodes (default)
- \RedisCluster::FAILOVER_ERROR - failover to slaves for read commands if master is unavailable (recommended)
- \RedisCluster::FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE - randomly distribute read commands across master and slaves
WARNING: FAILOVER_DISTRIBUTE is a not recommended setting and we strongly suggest to not use it if you use Redis for file locking. Due to the way Redis is synchronised it could happen, that the read for an existing lock is scheduled to a slave that is not fully synchronised with the connected master which then causes a FileLocked exception.
See for details about the Redis cluster
'memcached_servers' => array(
// hostname, port and optional weight. Also see:
array('localhost', 11211),
//array('', 11211),
Server details for one or more memcached servers to use for memory caching.
'memcached_options' => array(
// Set timeouts to 50ms
\Memcached::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 50,
\Memcached::OPT_RETRY_TIMEOUT => 50,
\Memcached::OPT_SEND_TIMEOUT => 50,
\Memcached::OPT_RECV_TIMEOUT => 50,
\Memcached::OPT_POLL_TIMEOUT => 50,
// Enable compression
\Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION => true,
// Turn on consistent hashing
// Enable Binary Protocol
\Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL => true,
// Binary serializer vill be enabled if the igbinary PECL module is available
Connection options for memcached, see
'cache_path' => '',
Location of the cache folder, defaults to data/$user/cache
is the current user. When specified, the format will change to
where $cache_path
is the configured cache directory
and $user
is the user.
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'cache_chunk_gc_ttl' => 60*60*24,
TTL of chunks located in the cache folder before they’re removed by garbage collection (in seconds). Increase this value if users have issues uploading very large files via the Nextcloud Client as upload isn’t completed within one day.
Defaults to 60*60*24
(1 day)
Using Object Store with Nextcloud¶
'objectstore' => [
'class' => 'OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\Swift',
'arguments' => [
// trystack will use your facebook id as the user name
'username' => 'facebook100000123456789',
// in the trystack dashboard go to user -> settings -> API Password to
// generate a password
'password' => 'Secr3tPaSSWoRdt7',
// must already exist in the objectstore, name can be different
'container' => 'nextcloud',
// prefix to prepend to the fileid, default is 'oid:urn:'
'objectPrefix' => 'oid:urn:',
// create the container if it does not exist. default is false
'autocreate' => true,
// required, dev-/trystack defaults to 'RegionOne'
'region' => 'RegionOne',
// The Identity / Keystone endpoint
'url' => '',
// required on dev-/trystack
'tenantName' => 'facebook100000123456789',
// dev-/trystack uses swift by default, the lib defaults to 'cloudFiles'
// if omitted
'serviceName' => 'swift',
// The Interface / url Type, optional
'urlType' => 'internal'
This example shows how to configure Nextcloud to store all files in a swift object storage.
It is important to note that Nextcloud in object store mode will expect exclusive access to the object store container because it only stores the binary data for each file. The metadata is currently kept in the local database for performance reasons.
WARNING: The current implementation is incompatible with any app that uses direct file IO and circumvents our virtual filesystem. That includes Encryption and Gallery. Gallery will store thumbnails directly in the filesystem and encryption will cause severe overhead because key files need to be fetched in addition to any requested file.
One way to test is applying for a trystack account at
Global settings for Sharing
'sharing.managerFactory' => '\OC\Share20\ProviderFactory',
Replaces the default Share Provider Factory. This can be utilized if own or 3rdParty Share Providers are used that – for instance – use the filesystem instead of the database to keep the share information.
Defaults to \OC\Share20\ProviderFactory
'sharing.maxAutocompleteResults' => 0,
Define max number of results returned by the user search for auto-completion Default is unlimited (value set to 0).
'sharing.minSearchStringLength' => 0,
Define the minimum length of the search string before we start auto-completion Default is no limit (value set to 0)
All other configuration options¶
'dbdriveroptions' => array(
PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => '/file/path/to/ca_cert.pem',
PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET wait_timeout = 28800'
Additional driver options for the database connection, eg. to enable SSL encryption in MySQL or specify a custom wait timeout on a cheap hoster.
'sqlite.journal_mode' => 'DELETE',
sqlite3 journal mode can be specified using this configuration parameter - can be ‘WAL’ or ‘DELETE’ see for more details
'mysql.utf8mb4' => false,
During setup, if requirements are met (see below), this setting is set to true and MySQL can handle 4 byte characters instead of 3 byte characters.
If you want to convert an existing 3-byte setup into a 4-byte setup please set the parameters in MySQL as mentioned below and run the migration command:
./occ db:convert-mysql-charset
The config setting will be set automatically after a successful run.
Consult the documentation for more details.
MySQL requires a special setup for longer indexes (> 767 bytes) which are needed:
[mysqld] innodb_large_prefix=ON innodb_file_format=Barracuda innodb_file_per_table=ON
- Tables will be created with
- character set: utf8mb4
- collation: utf8mb4_bin
- row_format: compressed
'supportedDatabases' => array(
Database types that are supported for installation.
- Available:
- sqlite (SQLite3)
- mysql (MySQL)
- pgsql (PostgreSQL)
- oci (Oracle)
- Defaults to the following databases:
- sqlite (SQLite3)
- mysql (MySQL)
- pgsql (PostgreSQL)
'tempdirectory' => '/tmp/nextcloudtemp',
Override where Nextcloud stores temporary files. Useful in situations where the system temporary directory is on a limited space ramdisk or is otherwise restricted, or if external storages which do not support streaming are in use.
The Web server user must have write access to this directory.
'hashingCost' => 10,
The hashing cost used by hashes generated by Nextcloud Using a higher value requires more time and CPU power to calculate the hashes
'blacklisted_files' => array('.htaccess'),
Blacklist a specific file or files and disallow the upload of files
with this name. .htaccess
is blocked by default.
Defaults to array('.htaccess')
'share_folder' => '/',
Define a default folder for shared files and folders other than root.
Defaults to /
'theme' => '',
If you are applying a theme to Nextcloud, enter the name of the theme here.
The default location for themes is nextcloud/themes/
Defaults to the theming app which is shipped since Nextcloud 9
'cipher' => 'AES-256-CFB',
The default cipher for encrypting files. Currently AES-128-CFB and AES-256-CFB are supported.
'minimum.supported.desktop.version' => '2.0.0',
The minimum Nextcloud desktop client version that will be allowed to sync with this server instance. All connections made from earlier clients will be denied by the server. Defaults to the minimum officially supported Nextcloud desktop clientversion at the time of release of this server version.
When changing this, note that older unsupported versions of the Nextcloud desktop client may not function as expected, and could lead to permanent data loss for clients or other unexpected results.
Defaults to 2.0.0
'quota_include_external_storage' => false,
EXPERIMENTAL: option whether to include external storage in quota calculation, defaults to false.
Defaults to false
'filesystem_check_changes' => 0,
Specifies how often the local filesystem (the Nextcloud data/ directory, and NFS mounts in data/) is checked for changes made outside Nextcloud. This does not apply to external storages.
0 -> Never check the filesystem for outside changes, provides a performance increase when it’s certain that no changes are made directly to the filesystem
1 -> Check each file or folder at most once per request, recommended for general use if outside changes might happen.
Defaults to 0
'part_file_in_storage' => true,
By default Nextcloud will store the part files created during upload in the same storage as the upload target. Setting this to false will store the part files in the root of the users folder which might be required to work with certain external storage setups that have limited rename capabilities.
Defaults to true
'mount_file' => '/var/www/nextcloud/data/mount.json',
Where mount.json
file should be stored, defaults to data/mount.json
in the Nextcloud directory.
Defaults to data/mount.json
in the Nextcloud directory.
'filesystem_cache_readonly' => false,
When true
, prevent Nextcloud from changing the cache due to changes in
the filesystem for all storage.
Defaults to false
'secret' => '',
Secret used by Nextcloud for various purposes, e.g. to encrypt data. If you lose this string there will be data corruption.
'trusted_proxies' => array('', ''),
List of trusted proxy servers
If you configure these also consider setting forwarded_for_headers which otherwise defaults to HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (the X-Forwarded-For header). Defaults to an empty array.
'forwarded_for_headers' => array('HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'),
Headers that should be trusted as client IP address in combination with trusted_proxies. If the HTTP header looks like ‘X-Forwarded-For’, then use ‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’ here.
If set incorrectly, a client can spoof their IP address as visible to Nextcloud, bypassing access controls and making logs useless!
'max_filesize_animated_gifs_public_sharing' => 10,
max file size for animating gifs on public-sharing-site.
If the gif is bigger, it’ll show a static preview
Value represents the maximum filesize in megabytes. Set to -1
no limit.
Defaults to 10
'filelocking.enabled' => true,
Enables transactional file locking.
This is enabled by default.
Prevents concurrent processes from accessing the same files at the same time. Can help prevent side effects that would be caused by concurrent operations. Mainly relevant for very large installations with many users working with shared files.
Defaults to true
'filelocking.ttl' => 60*60,
Set the lock’s time-to-live in seconds.
Any lock older than this will be automatically cleaned up.
- Defaults to
seconds (1 hour) or the php - max_execution_time, whichever is higher.
'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
Memory caching backend for file locking
Because most memcache backends can clean values without warning using redis is highly recommended to avoid data loss.
Defaults to none
'filelocking.debug' => false,
Enable locking debug logging
Note that this can lead to a very large volume of log items being written which can lead to performance degradation and large log files on busy instance.
Thus enabling this in production for longer periods of time is not recommended
or should be used together with the log.condition
'upgrade.disable-web' => false,
Disable the web based updater
'debug' => false,
Set this Nextcloud instance to debugging mode
Only enable this for local development and not in production environments This will disable the minifier and outputs some additional debug information
Defaults to false
'data-fingerprint' => '',
Sets the data-fingerprint of the current data served
This is a property used by the clients to find out if a backup has been restored on the server. Once a backup is restored run ./occ maintenance:data-fingerprint To set this to a new value.
Updating/Deleting this value can make connected clients stall until the user has resolved conflicts.
Defaults to ''
(empty string)
'copied_sample_config' => true,
This entry is just here to show a warning in case somebody copied the sample configuration. DO NOT ADD THIS SWITCH TO YOUR CONFIGURATION!
If you, brave person, have read until here be aware that you should not modify ANY settings in this file without reading the documentation.
'lookup_server' => '',
use a custom lookup server to publish user data
App config options¶
Retention for activities of the activity app:
'activity_expire_days' => 365,
Every day a cron job is ran, which deletes all activities for all users
which are older then the number of days that is set for activity_expire_days
'wnd.logging.enable' => true,
This enables debug logs for the windows_network_drive app.