===================== Logging Configuration ===================== Use your Nextcloud log to review system status, or to help debug problems. You may adjust logging levels, and choose between using the Nextcloud log or your syslog. Parameters ---------- Logging levels range from **DEBUG**, which logs all activity, to **FATAL**, which logs only fatal errors. * **0**: DEBUG: All activity; the most detailed logging. * **1**: INFO: Activity such as user logins and file activities, plus warnings, errors, and fatal errors. * **2**: WARN: Operations succeed, but with warnings of potential problems, plus errors and fatal errors. * **3**: ERROR: An operation fails, but other services and operations continue, plus fatal errors. * **4**: FATAL: The server stops. By default the log level is set to **2** (WARN). Use **DEBUG** when you have a problem to diagnose, and then reset your log level to a less-verbose level as **DEBUG** outputs a lot of information, and can affect your server performance. Logging level parameters are set in the :file:`config/config.php` file, or on the Admin page of your Nextcloud Web GUI. Nextcloud ~~~~~~~~~ All log information will be written to a separate log file which can be viewed using the log viewer on your Admin page. By default, a log file named **nextcloud.log** will be created in the directory which has been configured by the **datadirectory** parameter in :file:`config/config.php`. The desired date format can optionally be defined using the **logdateformat** parameter in :file:`config/config.php`. By default the `PHP date function`_ parameter "*c*" is used, and therefore the date/time is written in the format "*2013-01-10T15:20:25+02:00*". By using the date format in the example below, the date/time format will be written in the format "*January 10, 2013 15:20:25*". :: "log_type" => "owncloud", "logfile" => "nextcloud.log", "loglevel" => "3", "logdateformat" => "F d, Y H:i:s", syslog ~~~~~~ All log information will be sent to your default syslog daemon. :: "log_type" => "syslog", "logfile" => "", "loglevel" => "3", .. _PHP date function: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php